Wishing for a Tranquil and Exciting visit for a day or more all in close vicinity Ubuhlehlebezwe Municipality is the place for you. We are blessed with an ideal climate and beautiful scenery varying from rolling hills, green trees, wetlands as well as grasslands and thornvelds. We have all sporting facilities, accommodation types, historical sites and monuments, a highly regarded Buddhist Retreat, diverse cultures, a wide variety of birding habitats.
Ubuhlebezwe municipality have two towns namely: Ixopo and Highflats. Ixopo was originally named Stuart’s Town after Maritinus Stuart, who was magistrate of Ixopo from 1878 to 1881 when he left to take up a post as an interpreter during the Boer War. He was killed on February 8th 1881 in the Boer war. Everyone continued using the Zulu name of Ixopo derived from the sound made by the hooves of cattle being withdrawn from the mud, as they were driven through the marshy areas near the village.
Ubuhlebezwe is a Municipality situated within the Mkhomazi River and UMzimkhulu River which are very much suitable for Canoeing and River Rafting. Ubuhlebezwe is located in the Southern part of KwaZulu-Natal and it is intersected by R56 and R612 highways. Ubuhlebezwe Municipality is approximately 81 km from Pietermaritzburg and about 148 km from Durban.
Ubuhlebezwe local Municipality is the rural side of Alan Paton’s best seller book, “Cry the Beloved Country”, was set in Ixopo area. The valley mentioned in the book is said to rest in the hills near Carisbrooke siding. Carisbrooke is located approximately 10 km from Ixopo on the UMzimkhulu road and the film was captured in this area.
The early Europeans came with their beliefs and traditions of their forefathers to area. The strongest being the Christian convictions. There are a number of historical buildings in the area such as the St. James church just outside Highflats, The beautiful Roman Catholic Church buildings, Found in Ubuhlebezwe such as The Christ the King hospital and the Little flower School, Orting Mission which it architecture resembles Orting mission in Germany it was built in 1903. Mariathal Mission founded in 1887, was the first seminary for priests in our country.
Ubuhlebezwe Municipality leads in Agriculture such as Forestry, Citrus, Sugar Cane, and livestock. This allows for the thriving of Agri-tourism.