Community and Social Services Department

Ubuhlebezwe, ubuhlebethu

Ubuhlebezwe Municipality is responding to the main challenges of South Africa as out- lined by the 2011 Diagnostic Report of the South African National Planning Commission by ensuring that strategic plans developed by the municipality to drive growth and development in the area do address South Africa’s three main social challenges which are poverty, unemployment and inequality. As part of the 2011/12 financial year projects, Ubuhlebezwe has developed and adopted a LED Strategy and a Tourism Strategy. The main pillars of the LED Strategy are based on the Spatial Development Framework which acknowledges R56 as the corridor linking Pietermaritzburg, Ubuhlebezwe and Kokstad, for industrial development and the agricultural sector as the main economic driver for economic growth.

As the way of unleashing the agricultural potential in the area, the municipality is devel- oping an Agricultural Plan to identify projects that can be integrated in the municipal IDP for implementation.

One of the key strategies in the Tourism Strategy is the acknowledgement of the role that the history of Alan Paton can play in the development of the area and to ensure that the legacy that is attached to it is maintained.

The municipality is currently in a process of packaging tourism routes for the whole area of Ubuhlebezwe and conducting a feasibility study and a plan for Carisbrooke which is a place where the story of Alan Paton took place.

Agricultural Plan, Carisbrooke Feasibility Study and Plan, Packaging of Ubuhlebezwe Tourism Route; Local Economic Development and Tourism,SMME’s and cooperatives Support, Business Licensing,Youth Programmes & Back to school Campaign, Bursary schemes, Crime and Drug abuse,Business Development Programme, Special Programmes &Disability,  HIV/ and AIDS

Gender, Women and children,Men sector &SeniorCitizens,Community Safety, Motor

Licensing&Vehicle Licensing, Leaners anddriverlicensing

Firefighting &Disaster Risk Management, Law enforcement, RefusRemoval Household and business refuse removal,Verge cutting, Parks and Gardens Maintenance,Cemeteries and Crematorium


Booklendingand referencing, Magazines and DVDs,Computerand internet usage